I would definitely buy another bag from Cinebags. They have excellent customer service via their Facebook page. I was contemplating getting the CB23 bag which is a little smaller but I opted for this one for a few extra bucks so I could have more storage space. Looking back, I wish I would have gotten the smaller bag. I'm not saying this bag is too large but for my purposes it is. Who knows, I have not used it much on location.
Again, for reference, the bag is about from your shoulders to hips height wise and width wise it is almost as wide as my body (which probably doesn't help you at all). It is most definitely not the size of a normal bookbag. I opted for the backback style bag because I didn't want to have to physically carry something and I didn't want a sling over bag.
It does feature hip straps and the regular straps also have a buckle on them. This bag would be excellent for hiking. Both of the straps, especially the hip ones, are extremely padded which also means they are bigger in size.
On a last note, the keychain is a nice touch.YES, this bag is small enough to fit under any airline seat I've flown, including the smaller feeder RJ's. I was able to carry a large HVX-200 camera *and* my Cartoni fluid head in the main compartment! The side pockets and such are almost too small to be terribly useful, but what a great bag. Properly adjusted it hangs on your hips and shoulders nicely too as you're walking down that 2 mile concourse to your connecting flight. Built very well, I would definitely recommend this to anyone! If I was another bag created for carrying film and video gear, I would marry this bag.
Buy CineBags CB-25B Revolution Backpack Now
Well worth the investment. It keeps everything dry, safe, and accessible. Life On Location is the right motto for this bag.Read Best Reviews of CineBags CB-25B Revolution Backpack Here
This bag has been all over with me in the last year or so. I love it. It protects my camera, lenses, gear, and still has room for extras in a small package! I shoot with a Sony AX2000, I have a century 1.6x adapter, and a wide angle plus 4 large batteries, filters, cables, etc. I am amazed how much fits in this bag for how lightweight it actually seems when you wear it. I used to have a Tamrac and a Lowepro, and this one just works with video equipment better. I like that the zipper access is close to your back instead of on the outside, it feels safer having your gear closer to you without being able to be accessed from behind.Would highly recommend!
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This thing looks huge. But yes, it does fit into an overhead bin. Caveat: I am not a video cameraman. I happen to do broadcast voiceover, and I also shoot stills. When traveling, I needed a padded bag that would accommodate not only a broadcast-quality recording rig (including a laptop), but a DSLR.This bag has an extraordinary amount of space. Overall, it seems bulletproof. It's also designed for carrying into the field, which means the straps and waist belt are probably more substantial than I'll need, and the waist belt tends to get in the way onboard an airliner. (I've been using a small bungee to keep it secured and out of the way.) That's not necessarily a complaint, but an observation.
Probably the only complaint I have--and it's minor--is there's no hook in any of the compartments for securing a key ring. It's a feature I've become used to on my other bags, and it would have been nice to have here. Overall, this is an excellent product. Pricey, yes. But when you're carrying thousands of dollars worth of gear, it's probably one of the cheapest insurance policies you can buy.
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