When it arrived I was shocked to see how much space there was for camera gear; more than enough for my 2 D-SLRs and 6 lenses. Also, a (the) great advantage is that you have additional space for some clothing/lunch items which you do not have with the other shootout backpacks. I always carry a light jacket and an extra t-shirt with me when hiking. Thus, I decided of course to go with the daypack. Have used it several times by now and can tell you it is extremely comfortable and robust. It has no space for a laptop. However, I don't carry a laptop with me when hiking. If you are primarely hiking and want your photogear to carry with you to always be ready for nice shots, this dayback is for you. If you are primarily going out for photographing and just need a hike to get to your spots, buy something else.
One tip: On my first travel I used the dayback with a jacket fastened to the bottom loops and always placed it upright with the jacket mounted underneath. This could rip off the gum at the loops because of the heavy weight with full gear inside the backback. I was not happy about that but Amazon was extremely kind to replace the backpack. Be aware to not mount anything beneath when placing it upright!
And a last tip: I always drink a lot when hiking. The tenba bottle caddies are extremely convenient when attached so make sure to order one (or two) when ordering the backpack (not included).I have been looking for a roomy camera backpack for some time now. I wasn't sure if the sling style (quick shooting) or the full backpack was the way to go. After much product testing in the stores and reading of reviews, as well as, evaluating my own needs I settled on a backpack style.
The shootout daypack is just great. Plenty of space for a good bit of camera gear. Everything is very well cushioned and protected inside. Easy to change the inner configuration to adapt to your gear. Also has lots of extra features like a rain hood, a cover for the straps so they don't get caught when carrying or stowing the back pack, some outside and inside zippered compartments and much more.
I will mostly use this for travel--equipment should be very safe going through airport security checks and will be easy to carry. It is comortable to wear. A very nice feature is the daypack storage area. Not for fragile items but will hold clothing, snacks, water etc. I can also fit in some business folders and tablets.
Product is rugged and well put together--should last a very long time.
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