I received this bag on time and it was very neatly packaged. However, within 1 or 2 days of carrying this bag, with only a pair of shorts and a shirt in it, this bag started to come apart on the inside at the seams. I think that a bag, at this cost should have been more sturdy. I do not recommend this bag. It is not of durable quality...just pretty to look at. I am very disappointed with it and so is my 4 year old son for whom the bag was purchased.

My 6 year old son was thrilled with this backpack. It's the right size for a little one, but after only 2 months of use there are holes in the bottom and the top. He carries a plastic folder to school and the edges of the folder rubbed in a spot and now we've got holes. I've duct taped the heck out of it to keep it going longer as my son adores the backpack and I'd like to get a bit more use out of it, but I certainly wouldn't buy it again due to it's lack of durability.
Buy Thomas and Friends Superstar Full Size Thomas Backpack - Thomas the Tank Engine School Bag Now
My son loves his Thomas the Tank Engine backpack. He has been wanting one for two years and I could not find one anywhere else. This one came through the mail fast and got here before it was time for him to go to school.
Read Best Reviews of Thomas and Friends Superstar Full Size Thomas Backpack - Thomas the Tank Engine School Bag Here
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