I did a lot of online window shopping & read plenty of reviews before purchasing this bag. Other sites had more reviews than the two posted here and I read them all. Here's my own, written after using this bag daily for almost a month: The design of the bag is great and just what I wanted. The big pocket holds my wallet & keys easy to access and roomy. The side pocket zipper issues were solved by keeping those pockets full so the zipper can pull straight across without curves. I keep a cell phone and tin of breath mints in one (the shape of the tin keeps the pocket "bulked up" so the zipper doesn't stick), and a misc collection of chap sticks, small hand lotion, etc. in the other pocket. The main compartment is a perfect size as I've always been a bare-bones purse carrier small camera, note pad, a book or water bottle if I'm going somewhere where I might need them but not a daily occurrence. In other words, the main compartment is never stuffed or carrying excess weight. When the bag arrived, I was thrilled with the design, size and color tan but really a deep gold that goes with everything. The quality of the leather was ok, not great imperfections in a very visible place were disappointing and I would have looked through the bin for another if I'd been in a real store. Mostly, I was happy with it until the zipper stitches started to come undone. Having spent $70 on a bag was a big deal as I'm a thrift store/second hand bargain hunter. With a heavy needle and thread I've repaired the damage and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing else gives out in its second month.

The bag is just what I wanted but I have been using it for a little more than a month and the stitches around the zippers are giving away... my bag is always stuffed but still I feel it shouldn't be doing that. Otherwise it is pretty sturdy.
Buy Le Donne Leather Zip Around Backpack/Purse Now
I returned the bag because it is not bigger than the other bag I bought from this company, although a different model that meausred bigger. So I returned it in perfect conditon. I have no fed ex near me so returned it by the USPO. I paid for delivery confirmation and returned the package. Now they have emailed me 3 times saying they have to have a tracking number. All they have to do is open the box and see who it is from. There will be post office confirmation it arrived. They have now emailed me tree times saying I have to have a tracking number. I can't give them a tracking number and they can process this by opening the box and reading the information in side. It seems to me they are trying to avoid giving a refund. If I get one I will be surprised. Delivery confirmation and a perfectly returned item should be enough
Read Best Reviews of Le Donne Leather Zip Around Backpack/Purse Here
No disappointments here. Good quality. Great sizeI can even get a Nalgene bottle in there with plenty of room to spare. Fair price.
Want Le Donne Leather Zip Around Backpack/Purse Discount?
This is just what I need. It is well made and just the right size for my kindle, wallet and even a bottle of water.
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