Athalon Molded Wheeling CarryOn Detachable Duffel Bag

Athalon Molded Wheeling CarryOn Detachable Duffel BagThe fabric is tough and thick. The zippers are heavy duty. The wheels are sturdy. Overall the quality of materials is great.

The top section has three pockets and has lightly padded backpack straps that you can pull out from a zippered pocket.

The bottom section can be expanded by an inch. The front is covered in the canvas and the other three sides are plastic. It has a small front pocket and a larger inner section.

This bag is spacious and pretty versatile. My main criticism is that the top part of the duffel bag needs to be full for the bag to balance upright. Empty, it will fall over.

I bought this duffel not by Amazon, but in the store . It weights about 8.5 lbs. A little bit heavy, but the wheels compensate this disadvantage. The several compartments lets you organize all your stuff. You can disable the upper part, and use it like a backpack. The armored bottom can be used as a expandable carry-on (the carry-on can be stand straight perfectly). BUT IF YOU WANT TO USE BOTH PARTS AS A SINGLE BAG, THERES IS NO WAY TO KEEP THIS DAMNED THING UP STRAIGHT !!!!! (Thats why I don't put the 5 star rating). The upper part needs to be stuffed with all your things (manly at the bottom compartment) to keep it in some kind of balance. I looked like circus clown at the airport, trying to standing up, pull and leave my "all brad new Athalon". If you travel with more than one bag, this one will never help you walking down at the airport.

Buy Athalon Molded Wheeling CarryOn Detachable Duffel Bag Now

This has got to be the oddest carry on size. If you add the duffel and fill it up, it's too big. Most airlines have carry ons sized at 22 x 14 x 9. That is a standard size, like 8.5 x 11 for paper. You would think a luggage maker knows that. This thing is 22 x 12 x 12, which means you're losing 2 inches of potential carry on space but the duffel makes it too big. If you remove the duffle it's only like 6, which is too small to hold very much stuff. So it's both too big and too small, too small because it's only 12 when it could be 14 and too big because with the duffel it's more than 12 (if you fill it up). Even with the duffel you can't stuff that much into it. My friend with a normal 21.5 x 13.5 x 8.5 luggage was able to put more stuff in than this. I think I will use this for bus travels or weekend driving trips or hikes or something as airlines are anal and Athalon doesn't seem to like standards.

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