Question Mark School backpack with mini plush, Super Mario

Question Mark School backpack with mini plush, Super MarioI knew this was cheap, and the last couple cheap backpacks I got lasted only a year. However, on the first day my 7 year old took it to school, both zipper handles broke off. Pulling the zipper base makes the sides of the zipper come apart on the side where they're supposed to stay together. This backpack is a day old and already we have to buy a replacement.

Just purchased this for my 7 year old son and he is super ecstatic! Everybody who sees it has nothing but nice things to say. Definitely would recommend

Buy Question Mark School backpack with mini plush, Super Mario Now

I really thought the backpack would be a bit bigger... Otherwise this product is of great quality.

by the way I'm about 6 foot...

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