This product works great for my wife and I as we are traveling the world. We use it to lock up our laptop and camera in our room when we are out for the day. It easily locks to a bed frame or a radiator pipe. While not completely fool proof, it provides a layer of deterrent for the thief that is looking to quickly grab your bags and take off. I highly recommend this product to anyone traveling with valuable electronics. Check out our site to see where we take our Pac-Safe,

The perfect "there are no thieves in this military service, everyone is just trying to get their stuff back" deterrent. Those who have ever served in the Corps know what I'm talking about. I recommend the larger size to accommodate CIF gear. I had to return this one and purchase the largest one they make, and it is the best for keeping your CIF gear from being "acquired".
Sgt of Marines
Buy Pacsafe 120 Anti-Theft Backpack And Bag Protector Now
Well, the mesh bag was big and more than the cubic inches of the bag that was to be placed inside it for safe keeping at such places like hotel storage; however, it was not long enough. I believe this is a problem with the vendor and amazon.com in describing how to measure before purchase. Length is the limiting factor in the cubic-Inch calculation. I'll have more when I get back. The mesh is useable; however, it has now been repurposed and is doing a fine job.
The locks are a little flaky; however, I am thinking a thief seeing all of this wire mesh will go after easier prey! I'd recommend this product. JUST REMEMBER THE LENGTH IS THE LIMITING SIZE fat is okay in this instance!
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