I NEVER carried a diaper bag. When my son was pre-sippy cup, pre-snacks I just carried a slightly larger purse... But he outgrew that at about 6 months and I needed another option.I was going back and forth between this one, a Stephen Joseph (non-signature) backpack, or a Skip-Hop. They are all so darn cute! I got the dinosaur (wanted the monsterbut I went with DH's wishes on this one!) Signature Collection backpack. I am so glad that I got the signature collection backpack because it holds SO much without being bulky or stiff (such as the skip-hop). It holds with the drawstring top closing completelya change of clothes, two diapers, a package of wipes, a water bottle, two formula packets, a squeezy food packet, spoon, bib, a snack dispenser thingy, a sippy cup, a toy or two, my cell phone and keys. I can also put a jacket, mittens and hat in there and still get the flap snapped closed but with a little gap under the flap. I frequently just put this on as a back pack. The straps are adjustable. I can imagine that this would be a little large for a toddler to carry. If I were getting it for him to carry in a year or two, I might have to go with the smaller one. :/ Can't test that out, DS is not yet mobile!

This backpack arrived on time, packed flat. I am using it for my 35" tall 18 month old son to carry changes of clothes to and from daycare. He loves to wear it but it is still too big on him and flops around. There's enough room for his sneakers, two pairs of socks, two pants, two shirts, and a sweatshirt. I love the design and many have complimented the backpack. He will gets lots of use out of it in the years to come! Seems durable and well-made. Would definitely order again.
Buy Stephen Joseph Boys 2-7 Signature Quilted Backpack Now
This is a great quality backpack, light enough for tots. The only downside is the lack of pockets. I would have liked pockets to separate my son's belongings (i.e. diapers, lotion, clothes, etc.).
Read Best Reviews of Stephen Joseph Boys 2-7 Signature Quilted Backpack Here
My son (7 years old) likes it. I do not like it but my opinion is not very important. The backpack is light and wide enough. My son puts in it different cars plus 2 small juices and 2 cakes. And takes that to summer camp. It is suitable for summer period not for cold autumn and winter.
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In general, cute, with good quality materials. However, if you look at the photo closely, you will see that the top flap looks off-center. I did notice that myself, and just assumed it was the was simply how it was laid out for the photo. Actually, it is completely off-center, and looks terrible. The magnate latches don't line up, and the whole thing pulls itself out of wac and looks goofy and poorly made. I sent mine back, it's not workable at all. I thought mine was an aberration until I saw the picture again.....can't imagine what somebody was thinking. Very odd.
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